Rail Facility Compliance
Pinnacle Engineering assisted a client with environmental issues related to an existing four-track facility. Pinnacle prepared a feasibility study for a loop track transloading facility, which enabled the client to dramatically reduce loading and shipping costs. The study expanded to a double loop track crude oil transloading facility. These studies provided the client with the information needed to authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for a complete rail loop transloading facility.
As lead engineer for the client’s project team, Pinnacle provided the civil engineering design for the approximately 200-acre facility. Pinnacle also assisted the client with environmental services, including environmental due diligence, air permitting, wetland fill permitting, construction stormwater permitting, and industrial stormwater permitting. Additionally, Pinnacle completed an SPCC plan, FRP, construction SWPPP, and industrial SWPPP.
Pinnacle designed secondary containment systems for the storage tank farm (three 98,000 barrel tanks), the rail loadout building, and the truck unloading area to meet federal SPCC requirements. The design of the approximately 650-foot long loadout building integrated several measures for the collection and containment of spills.
During construction of the facility, Pinnacle provided construction administration, site observation and oversight, and construction staking. Pinnacle also managed the materials testing program and provided ongoing engineering design changes in a design/build capacity to address the evolving operational goals of the facility. The Pinnacle team continues to provide engineering and consulting services to ensure compliance standards are met.